Tiara's Fault!
INTRODUCING NAOKO KENSAKU! The walking encyclopedia that comes with a thesaurus and dictionary. Also spouts opinions from time to time! Note: May be hazardous when given candy, chocolate and/or bishounen. (Taken from Beeb)
I fall sick just before the last meeting of CF. Okay, so I confess that I don't really need to take the medical, but I have so much work to finish... and not many done... WAA! T_T
For those of you who don't know, Nanowrimo is an international writing event. From 12.00AM of 1st November (between 31th October and 1st November) writers who have signed up (Wrimos as they are called) are given until 30th November to write a 50K-word fiction work of ANY kind (novels only actually).
(Insert choice of expletive here)
I'll post pictures taken by friends and the report on Badawi's visit to LUCT soon. Please wait, ya? :)
Okay, I realise that this is a few days late, but don't blame me! Blame that @#$$#^%$^%$&^%*&%^*%#@#!!!!!!! father of mine who God alone knows what (and I really mean that God alone knows) what he did to the comp... I had no internet access at home!
I'm in college on a day when I should be sleeping blissfully at home,. but I need to finish compiling my report by eleven... Then need to pick Nick up.. Then go home... *Yawn!*
Should elders be respected simply because they've had the opportunity to live longer? Maybe in the olden days when getting old was difficult because of the living conditions is acceptable, but respecting them simply because they're old shows that something isn't right somewhere, particularly when they don't respect others and have an inflated notion of themselves.
Was off for two days. In case you were wondering what was going on with the picture before this, I had been 'recruited' by Lin to play a tarot card reader because the original one bailed. We don't know why, but it was very interesing. Apparently I was so convincing that the lecturer thought that I was actually a reader. Hehehe. :)