Friday, October 14, 2005


I have an acquaintance who pisses me off.


He makes comments that just piss me off. I mean, what is wrong if a woman's on the phone everyday? If you think she has a BF, why not ask her to her face? Why talk behind her back? I also find it very hard to sympathize with the fact that your groupmates find you troublesome. And I normally sympathize with the person I'm speaking to.

And what's wrong with being sarcastic? I'm sorry if you don't like it, but I happen to like sarcasm. And if you have a problem with female drivers, don't follow Ah Bee's car la then! No one's really forcing you to. Why are you complaining when she's made it clear from the beginning?



Blogger Naoko said...

I think that he knows I blog, but I don't think he reads this. He's one of those Friendster types.

Either way, doesn't matter. Anything I put here is generally meant for the world to see, and are opinions that I want others to see and comment, if they want to. The private ones are somewhere else, since Blogger doesn't really allow password-protected posts.

7:39 PM  
Blogger Naoko said...

Meh... No such thing on Blogger. I use another client. That one's under Beta-testing though, and it's by invite only. I got one from a friend, but I don't have an invite. Sorry.

10:16 AM  

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