Sunday, July 03, 2005

Something odd

Okay, some of you know that I've broken up with Nick and some don't. If you didn't, well now you know.

Now, according to some friends, in the past 2 months since then I've changed. A lot.

One friend even says that compared to last year, I've changed a lot. And I have to agree with her. I'm trying out skins.

Some skins fit, some don't. In this case, the skin's I'm talking about deal with my sensuality and sexuality. Those who know me, know that I'm not a fan of yaoi pairings. Mainly because the sensuality and sexuality involved were of levels that scared me.

And yet here am I, several months later, flirting online and enjoying it. When I wouldn't have if I were Nick, mainly because I thought it would be like betraying him.

I wonder if it's a good thing this.


Blogger Nicholas said...

Yes it's a VERY good thing. Seriously need to experience new things. :D Happy for you babe.

2:20 AM  

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