Monday, September 19, 2005


List of things needed to be done/ buy/ etc:

i) College

a) Follow-up on Church interviews and talk to the Government department (get their numbers and call them, though for the Church I need to drop off an email first)

b) Research for group assignment for PR (though that can only begin on Tues because am waiting for the case study to be photocopied)

c) Research for bloggers' meetup, Qs to be drafted and ethics to be examined

d) Drop email off to Faridah about change in focus for article

e) Finish scriptwriting

f) Research the sound effects for Soundscape due next week- Put in reservations for camera this week as well from Linda

ii) Non-college related stuff

a) Buy earrings- studs or something smaller or lighter compared to the current earrings I'm wearing

b) Get some more tops and lingerie

c) Call up MPH to see if they will have openings during the Nov. hols

d) Invest a bit of my earnings in ASB if possible (one of the better things about being a bumi- *ish ashamed to admit it*)

e) Buy books if option b) does not work out

f) Start drafting for Nano. ^_^

That should do it.


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