Monday, February 21, 2005

Funeral tomorrow

For those who don't know, my grandfather passed away last Friday. He died basically of old age, with his wife, eldest daughter, niece, granddaughter and friend for company. The good news is that at least, those whom he (I think) would have wanted to meet before he go he already did. And we love him.

I know of no man who was so kind and generous. We would like to ask forgiveness, for the many times we may have ignored you, treated you badly, or in any way, not fulfil our duties as we should. He is the most faithful man I know. The words he spoke during his 50th wedding anniversary ring in my ears:

To whom much is given, much is expected. To whom much more is given, much more is expected. Luke.

We love you granpa. Rest in peace. :)

Your granddaughter.


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